Many children are undergoing tooth decay, with easy access to processed and sugary foods. During the early stages of childhood tooth decay, a white chalky layer is deposited, causing plaque to build up on the teeth. The acid produced by the plaque breaks the enamel and erodes it so that the bacteria can feed upon the external layer of the teeth. If left untreated, the plaque multiplies leading to infected holes or cavities.
The other names for this condition are infant feeding caries, baby bottle tooth decay or nursing bottle caries. As these names suggest, early childhood cavities occur as early as infants a few months old, who are into feeding bottles or formula feeding. In a recent study conducted in 2023, randomly selected 340 odd students in Chennai, the parents were asked to fill a questionnaire on ECC, where it was shown that this condition was experienced in 53.8 per cent of children.
Plaque is the initiation stage of childhood dental caries in children. With children feeding on sugars and starch residues remaining in the mouth without rinsing, producing acids that attack the enamel. Over time, the acids can weaken the enamel and create tiny holes in the tooth. These holes are called cavities.
Do you know what is inside our mouth usually? Our mouth is a breeding ground for various bacteria, both good and bad located in the nook and corner of our mouth like teeth, gums, tongue and other places within.
Usually, when food particles, especially sugar-filled food stay in our mouth for a long time, these bacteria feed on it and create the hole in the tooth where the particle was present. So, this is what happens during the early signs of tooth decay in children:
In children, childhood dental caries is easily affected with the present lifestyle. However, with increased awareness, parents can identify the causes and prevent further damage. Some factors can contribute to tooth decay in children, including:
Ensure that your children follow dental hygiene diligently, under your guidance to avoid cavities and other oral problems. While observing your children, look for signs of early childhood cavities, as it may be hard to notice, and if you see a discoloration on the teeth, it is important to visit the dentist for a checkup immediately, to avoid the cavities from spreading. A pediatric dentist can diagnose tooth decay accurately and accordingly recommend the best step forward to treat it.
Early childhood caries treatment is an ideal option to ward off such problems as it is crucial to prevent further aggravating the problem. With simple procedures like fluoride treatments or other non-invasive therapies, your dentist may be able to reverse the damage caused by tooth decay. However, if the decay has progressed to a cavity or till the roots, a filling or an RCT may be necessary.
Childhood tooth decay is a common, yet preventable problem if it is in the early stages. Now that you are aware of childhood cavities and the early childhood caries treatment from this blog post, you get a strong hold of the problem and can help your children maintain good oral health. For the best pediatric dentists in Bangalore, visit Power Smiles dental clinic if you have concerns about your children’s oral health.