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Many children are undergoing tooth decay, with easy access to processed and sugary foods. During the early stages of childhood tooth decay, a white chalky layer is deposited, causing plaque to build up on the teeth. The acid produced by the plaque breaks the enamel and erodes it so that the bacteria can feed upon the external layer of the teeth. If left untreated, the plaque multiplies leading to infected holes or cavities.
The other names for this condition are infant feeding caries, baby bottle tooth decay or nursing bottle caries. As these names suggest, early childhood cavities occur as early as infants a few months old, who are into feeding bottles or formula feeding. In a recent study conducted in 2023, randomly selected 340 odd students in Chennai, the parents were asked to fill a questionnaire on ECC, where it was shown that this condition was experienced in 53.8 per cent of children.
A smile makeover at Powersmiles Dental Clinic is not just another dental surgery, but a dedicated procedure that transforms your life from here on! Invest in improving your confidence, and overall happiness. With our expert intervention, modern tools and technology, we can create a smile that empowers you to shine brightly and be the light in your society.