Power Smiles Dental Clinic

Best Root Canal Treatment in Jayanagar

Revive Your Tooth from Painful Decay with Power Smiles Dental Clinic
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root canal treatment in Jayanagar
root canal treatment in Jayanagar

What is Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal or an RCT is a dental treatment to remove tooth decay from the inside. You can save an infected tooth from spreading decay to the other teeth. As you know, the entire set of teeth is very important to be intact. When a tooth is decayed, instead of its extraction, our dentist performs a root canal treatment in Jayanagar at Power Smiles Dental Clinic extracts the damaged nerve and blood vessels within the tooth and closes it to prevent further infection. Our success rates are perfect, with happy patients going home after an infected root tooth canal treatment.
root canal treatment

Why Do You Need a Root Canal Treatment in Jayanagar?

When there is a decay dure to infection on tooth and has spread till the root, a root tooth canal treatment becomes necessary to get rid of this decay from the pulp inside of your tooth, otherwise it may spread to the nearby teeth and further, causing more damage throughout your jaw. There are many reasons one can get a decayed tooth. Our expert dental practitioners rightfully diagnose and treat based on how the tooth was decayed.
root canal treatment

Symptoms of an infected and decayed tooth

root canal

Severe toothache  

root canal before and after

Gum pain 

root canal operation

Highly sensitive teeth to hot or cold foot items 

root tooth canal treatment

Swelling in the gums 

root canal step by step

A black spot or a hole on the tooth 

If you go through any of these symptoms, visiting a dentist with an appointment immediately for a timely diagnosis and treatment will help. More commonly, you will be directed to a root canal step by step treatment if it is severe or has gone very deep into the roots.

Root Canal Step by Step Procedure at Power Smiles

Our dentists at Power Smiles Dental Clinic perform a meticulous approach for root canal treatment in Jayanagar, ensuring complete care is taken during the treatment and also after it is done.

The root canal procedure at Power Smiles is an advanced procedure where you face less or no pain with our experts performing the treatment. It involves the following steps:
teeth braces duration

Root Canal Before and After

You can witness a tremendous change in the root canal before and after treatment, as there is a drastic change in terms of overall experience. Let us explain how. e pain that you have witnessed for a long time, throughout the days, has vanished! And that too, without going through the immense pain, one anticipates in the root canal operation. An infected or decayed tooth, when compared to a root canal before and after-effects, with a considerable difference in the look and feel, of relieving you of the pain.
root canal treatment in Jayanagar
root canal treatment
root canal treatment

Why Choosing the Right Dentist is Crucial

For root canal operation, specialized equipment with accuracy and precision in conducting the procedure with patience, expertise and precision are the main requisites. After a successful treatment, it is important for you to do your homework and look for experienced dental doctors with the desired qualification in conducting such important procedures with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Following Root Canal Step by step Post Operation Procedures

For the decay or the infection to be removed, only the root canal treatment done by a good orthodontist is not enough in correcting your dental problem of damaged pulp by doing the root canal operation, but it is the root canal before and after transformation that matters the most. And here, you must work towards following the step-by-step process of maintaining your dental health afterwards by:
root canal
Make sure that you are following these methods judiciously and see how well your oral health improves, with the root canal done by our dental doctors.
root canal before and after

Why Choose Power Smiles Dental Clinic in Jayanagar for RCT

We are a leading brand in dental care at Power Smiles Dental Clinic in Jayanagar, committed to providing exceptional dental assistance. Our skilled team of dental professionals is dedicated to rightly diagnosing your problems combined by assisting you with full comfort and well-being pre, during and post treatment. For your root tooth canal treatment, you can count on our team for seamless treatment and post care assistance. Our comprehensive range of dental services, range from simple tooth filling to the complex root canal and other surgeries. We are renowned for:
root canal before and after

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